Full Potential Counselling

Benjamin Barwick

I offer One to One Counselling in Oxfordshire.

I work with Oxford Therapy and Self Development (OTS) which is a large network of therapists who offer different support for peoples varying needs, so I can help you find a therapist/counsellor even if we are unable to work togther


As an integrative counsellor, I draw on a few theories (Person-Centred, Psychodynamic and Gestalt) and tailor my approach to the client. I have a keen interest in Psychodynamic Counselling, which impacts my practice. I am focused on working in the present, making the unconscious conscious. We’ll explore patterns that have been established in early life and allow you to do something differently

I offer both long-term open-ended and short term counselling. Your needs are something we would discuss in our initial sessions.


I spent over ten years as a Running Coach at Full Potential, designing training plans and supporting runners of all abilities. I felt there was more out there, so in 2018 I took a Level 2 Course in Counselling Skills. Within weeks I knew this was a career path I wanted to go down.

I’ve always been inquisitive about understanding myself, and counselling allowed me to explore my past, present, and future in a way I have never done before. It helps me make sense of my world, which I want to offer others.

I have completed a postgraduate Certificate in Psychodynamic Counselling at Oxford University and plan to continue this on over the next few weeks.


Sessions costs £50 and are payable via Cash or Bank Transfer.

Location & Contact

I currently offer sessions at OTS-Oxford (OX4 2EA) and OTS-Witney (OX28 6BL)Therapy Centre and also Online Via Zoom.

To book an Initial session please head here, alternativley email ben@fullpotentialcounselling.co.uk or send a Text / WhatsApp Message to 07771 727226.


1st Floor, 142-144 Oxford Rd, Temple Cowley, Oxford OX4 2EA


2a Corn Street, Witney, OXON, OX28 6BL

The British Associaton of Counselling & Psychotherapy (BACP)

I am a Registered Member of the BACP bounby their Ethical Framework for the Counselling Professions and Professional Conduct Procedure.